Friday, January 22, 2010

Cara de hamburguesa

For those that don't speak spanish, "cara de hamburguesa" translates roughly as "hamburger face" and is Juan Carlos's newest term of endearment for me. (Apparently, my face is chubbier than before)

Other really supportive messages from him include:

Text message in English: "I love you my little fat" (note: I'm not sure if it means I'm a little fat- "gordita" or I'm little and fat- either way...)

When I was getting ready for Christmas and New Year's, I couldn't seem to like anything I tried on- Juan Carlos was exasperated with me and said, "Janelle, vas a parecer pelota con piernas en lo que llevas, asi ya escogas algo y nos vamos."

Translation: You're going to look like a ball with legs whatever you wear, so just choose something and let's go.

I was telling Juan Carlos about how some men think women are the most sexy when they're pregnant. He said, "Eso es una mentira- nadie piensa eso de verdad- solo lo dicen- quien va a pensar que una pelota es "sexy"? No, las mujeres embarazadas tienen algo hermoso pero "sexy" no son."

Translation: That is a lie. No one really thinks that- they just say it. Who is going to think that a ball is "sexy"? No, pregnant women have something beautiful about them but they are not "sexy"

Thank you for your honesty?

Other nicknames: Mi panzona (my big tummy), mi sandia (my watermelon), mi gorda (my fat one), mi changa (mi monkey- this is because of my obsession with bananas, not related to pregnancy)

I used to be an extremely sensitive person, but being married to Juan Carlos has toughened me up a bit.

I know it is not really fair to post this and still not have ANY belly pics up yet, so my promise to myself is to get my act together and get pictures up this weekend! Stay tuned!


Shannon said...

Hysterical! I love the comments. I think it's way better to have brutal honesty than fake. But, now might be the time for JC to learn what it means to "Sugar Coat" haha

Sunny Days said...

Just wait 'til he's 50 and you can apply all those cute little phrases to HIS gut!