Saturday, October 16, 2010

Being Called

There is nothing like feeling really called to be where you're at in life. I still remember when I was selected to be peer minister of social justice my last year in college at Western and how I felt so called to it. I knew it's what God wanted of me- I felt God's presence in my life and my work- I was in a good place.

I have been wondering lately what God is calling me to or what He is ultimately preparing me for. I seem to have this idea that all my experiences are leading up to some "perfect career" or "final plan" and I've been wondering how it's all going to come together- my degree in Spanish, my masters in International Education, my experience at Saint Martin's, my bilingual/bicultural home life, my desire to be there for my family, my passion for social justice- how is it all going to come together? What is the "perfect" most satisfying place for me?

And recently I've been thinking maybe life isn't a perfect math equation where 2 +3 +4 +1 = 10. Maybe it's not about the "Sum" but rather about being called to being where we are in any given moment.

Me teaching right now doesn't necessarily mean this is where God will want me for the next decade or even the next several years, but it is where He wants me/can use me right now. I need to let God work through me in teaching these particular classes, with these particular students, this particular quarter. I need to let God work through me in my family, with my friends, with all those that are in my life right now, whatever I happen to be doing today.

Regardless of where the future takes me, God has called me to the present. Maybe I need to let go of what the "ultimate" vision for my life is and just try to focus on how God can use me today and let the rest unfold...

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