Monday, November 21, 2011


So, classes have been cut ... again and this winter I've been looking at 10 credits as opposed to the 20 I had last year at this time and would prefer to have. Although, I will always be grateful for teaching as a way to get me out of Saint Martin's and give me more time with Danali, the fear I had about it is becoming reality. The last couple months have been consumed with "job hunting" trying to find anything and everything to pick up- from tutoring to selling jewelry to getting my real estate license. Recently, some potential classes came up at Pierce College, where I used to teach, and I thought I was pretty much set. I was bound to get ONE of them, right? and one was 12 credits and one was 17! I couldn't go wrong.

Then, last Thursday, when I was confirming my Friday morning interviews, I got word from both positions within about 5 minutes of each other that they were cancelling the interviews. For one, the class wasn't going due to budget cuts and for the other, the manager hired someone on the spot earlier that day. I didn't even have a chance to interview!

Nonetheless, rather than break down crying, as I would normally have the tendency to do, I felt a sense of peace. Why? I'm not totally sure except that I feel like God is using all this to lead me to something better. I think I've connected so much with the Rich Dad Poor Dad book because he speaks to the lack of security I feel even after pursuing higher education and even having a masters degree. I thought I did everything "right"- studied first, waited to start a family- I should have been set financially, yet, if I decide to stay close to family here in Olympia, my options are seriously limited. Or so it's seemed until now.

Like I mentioned in my last post, my dad and I have been "dabbling" in looking into real estate investing and well, that dabbling has grown and grown. I have now decided to get my real estate license and signed up for a course. I am excited to think there may be a field where my perseverence and patience might pay off, as opposed to teaching where nomatter how good I am at it or how long I wait, there is not really any likelihood it will get any better or go anywhere. I'm at the mercy of government spending for classes and I have to say, that doesn't give me a lot of hope. I'm keeping what I can get of course, for benefits, but I'm also going to try working another field I'm really excited about.

I am also really getting attached to this idea of investing and financial freedom- real freedom- not depending on government handouts or even on a company not deciding to lay you off. I have watched friends and family go through many layoffs and "layoff scares" in the last couple years, leading me to believe that even the "safest and most secure jobs" are hardly that. Another reason to depend on God and try to find financial freedom from another source.

I'm excited about real estate for a variety of reasons, including:
1) the fact that JC and I can work it together
2) there are tons of financial benefits to investing in real estate
3) it is an optimal time for investing in real estate
4) my mom and dad, JC and I are all working on it together as a team and there are many opportunities to collaborate with others
5) it involves constant learning, playing on one of my strengths
6) we get to know successful, motivated people
7) it gives me hope that tomorrow will be better than today

I just keep thinking about what financial freedom could mean for us- I've never wanted money for the sake of money- I'm sure few people do, but there is so much we could do if we had the funds to do it. Some of my ideas are:

1) create a community farm in the suburbs so people can teach their children about animals and where food comes from, even if they want to live close-in to the city
2) Build or buy a house for Amalia where she can fit everything for her daughter, Jasmine, who has cerebral palsey, where she has enough room for her own bed and Jasmine's special bed, a yard for grandkids to play and a nice living room for her family to come visit and a nice big kitchen she can make meals in
3) Pay for a good lawyer and papers for Juan Carlos
4) Donate and support community organizations that we believe are doing great work
5) Financially support friends and family who need it
6) Pay for private school for Danali or be able to stay home and homeschool her
7) Be able to stay home with my kids and not HAVE TO work- have more time with my family
8) Be able to set up a college fund for my kids (and others who need it)
9) Be able to afford a vacation once a year (thus far, JC and I have not gotten away for more than a weekend in 7 years of being together and 4 years of marriage...)

Just some of my dreams so far... hopefully, someday, I can make them reality.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Sounds like God is really moving in your life! I'll be praying for you and your family as you head down this new path! Very exciting! =)