Monday, September 20, 2010

Happy 4 months, Danali!


You just get more and more fun as time goes by and we are falling more and more in love with you. I love that you are now seeming to recognize me when I come home after work or wake you up in the morning to get ready to go. You smile when you see your papi and I and it is so rewarding! I saw you roll over for the first time today. I had you on your tummy at your abuelita's house and I went to the bathroom and came out and you were on your back, but I had missed it! When I brought you home, I missed you rolling over again when I left the room for a second but I put you back on your tummy and watched as you toppled over onto your back!

Overall, you are a happy little girl and mostly only cry and fuss when you are hungry and tired. You STILL are NOT sleeping through the night! Though you're doing better and better... we want to start giving you rice cereal to help you stay full longer. The doctor says you are a "snacker" but it's hard for me to help you change that.

You are in the 95th percentile for height and weight!! At four months you are 25 inches long and 16 lbs. 13 oz.- a big, healthy girl! Some people don't believe you are only 4 months old! You are starting to grab things- you want to hold your own bottle and you fall asleep clinging to your abuelita's gold necklaces. Your grammy got you a johnny jump up and you love it! You cry when you're left alone and love and expect attention from everyone all the time.

Oh, and you got your ears pierced a couple weeks ago and your earrings look very pretty. You cried less for that than you do when we leave you alone for 5 minutes to throw the clothes in the dryer.

How we love you, my sweet girl! We can't wait to keep getting to know you! You are our world and we thank God every day for you in our lives!!

Your Mom

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