Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pray Without Ceasing

Kristine reminded me the other day of that idea to "pray without ceasing" in her blog (I would add a link but don't know how- please feel free to enlighten me...) and I really love that concept, as it makes the most of every moment.

Today, I found myself thinking once again about everything I had to do and running through all the obligations in my head until I could finally come to that nice "relaxing" spot around 8:30pm or 9:00, right about the time we head to the bedroom to start getting ready for bed. I found myself feeling frustrated that this cherished time wasn't longer- that there were so many hoops to jump through first.

But then I thought... what if they weren't hoops? What if, instead of feeling like stopping at the store was a drag I could find a way to glamorize it, to make it feel like a privilege in my head, to ENJOY it? What if making dinner was not something to "get through" but again, something to dwell in and something to enjoy? What if it was all something to love doing and to put love into?

What if it was all a prayer? Then, there would be no wasted moments, no hoops to jump through, no obligations and responsibilities to get out of the way to make room for something "fun"- it would all be a conversation with God- I would see Him in everything and everybody and I would live as if it were Heaven here on Earth, with God by my side in everything I did. What a beautiful thing to strive for- a prayer in all the simplest, silliest, smallest parts of our day- a prayer without ceasing...


Ella said...

Love this post! So true - God is there in every small detail of the day - He is by our sides enjoying them with us. Good prayer! Love you girl!

La Familia Garcia said...

I love this :) You are so right on -- all those things we have to "get through" during the day can turn into things we feel privileged to do, things we can can be mindful about and be amazed by, or be a lived prayer, as you said. Even our "down time" or "doing nothing" time can stress us out or go unappreciated if we don't practice breathing within the chaos. Thanks for writing your blog and articulating all these wonderful insights. I love you!

La Familia Garcia said...

Oh, that was a comment from Michelle... you were still logged in so it posted from "la familia garcia." ha... sorry!