Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Past mothers' days have generally been filled with thoughts of how to show my own mother my appreciation for her love and care for us. And although this one has some of that too, it is also a day filled with longing because it represents everything I want so badly to be.... and forces me to face my worst fear- that I may never be a mother.

People who stumble upon motherhood easily speak of how important the day is because of how mothers so often go unappreciated by their families or by society and yet their role is so important.

Those who long to be mothers desperately dream of having dirty diapers to change, tiny stained clothes to wash and all the other thankless duties that come with day to day life as a mother. I hope and pray that if I am blessed to be a mother someday to a child that I get to see learn to walk and play that I never lose my incredible appreciation for the blessing it is to be mother. I don't have any desire for a special day to be recognized- all I want right now are the other 364 days of the year living day to day life sacrificing and caring for my kids.

So, a special prayer for all mothers today, but especially for those who face challenges to motherhood- who long for both the sacrifice and the joy that motherhood brings, who pray and wait and long for children to love and care for- for the young girls who dream of being mothers someday, for women who wonder if their time for childbearing is growing short, for women who want to adopt and have challenges, for women who parent temporarily, for women who face losing their children for one reason or another...

Motherhood is certainly difficult at times, but so is wanting children more than anything and not being able to have them. May God, in His mercy, bless all those who long for children with children to love and care for and may all mothers recognize how blessed they are to simply be mothers and never take their children or their vocation for granted.

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