Friday, May 1, 2009

TGIF May 1st

Well, as some of you know, Juan Carlos and I have been trying to buy a house for almost a year now. My parents were going to help us out at first, but then couldn't after the stock crashed, but we were still going to be able to get loan- we just had to buy a less expensive house. My aunt, a real estate agent, probably took us out looking no less than a hundred times- I have totally lost count of the number of houses we've seen, but I can pretty much assure you we've seen the entire city of Lacey...

In December, we made an offer on a house we really liked. We'll call it "the pink house" since it has salmon colored trim. It was a short sale. The agent, though, was doing something sketchy and kept countering with really random things and avoided giving the offer to the bank, so we gave up on that. We made an offer on another beautiful house (aside from every wall inside being painted blue) but we were beat out by a cash offer. Then we went back to the "pink house" because we had reason to believe the agent was going to behave himself. He did get the offer into the bank, but that was in January and we have yet to hear back about whether or not they would approve it. Needless to say, we have been getting tired of the wait, and I'd really love to not have to ask our landlord to stay here for yet another month, so we went out looking again on Saturday and Wednesday.

And Wednesday, we found a beautiful house that we love. Yesterday, we made an offer. We hear back tonight about whether they accepted it or not.

Here's my TGIF list for this week.

1) For hope- I'm thankful that the sun breaks through sometimes- even if it doesn't stay around permanently, I'm glad it makes an appearance- I'm thankful to have hope again about being able to get a house.

2) For opportunities from my parents- My parents have made countless opportunities possible for me throughout my life, for which I am incredibly indebted and grateful. Yesterday, my mom and dad told me they could help with a downpayment (as an investment for them too), which will allow us to save an incredible amount of money in purchasing this house (if we get it) and make it much more likely that they'll take our offer since we're competing with at least one other offer and financing is a big factor.

3) I'm thankful for sunny days. Sometimes I wonder if I should live somewhere sunnier, but I think part of what makes me appreciate the sun is that it isn't sunny every day. It's a reason to smile in and of itself.

4) I'm thankful for advances in medicine and technology, because although doctors certainly don't have all the answers, they sure have more now than they did for my grandparents or my grandparents' grandparents.

5) I'm thankful to live in a city that is beautiful, with parks and water and mountains, a city in which "rush hour traffic" is only the 109 Martin/College street exit being backed up from 5:00-5:30pm on weekdays.

6) I'm thankful to live close to my parents and to Juan Carlos's family and to get to see our families so frequently.

7) I'm thankful to have the opportunity to teach a freshman seminar class and an ESL listening/speaking through drama in the fall. These are both new, interesting classes that I'm looking forward to developing and being creative with.

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