Monday, March 8, 2010


Wow, I hadn't realized how long it had been since I posted... it will probably be best just to give quick updates of everything lately....

1) My mom and I finished the hypnobirthing class at the end of February. I am slowly but surely finishing the book now, which has really made the whole class more meaningful and complete to me and am planning to pass it off to my mom any day now...

2) Little Dani is moving now all the time. At 28 weeks, I was getting really worried I wasn't feeling her enough. We even went into the hospital one Friday evening to make sure she was ok. I prayed I would feel her more and now even Juan Carlos tells her to go to sleep to give me a rest (maybe because I don't let him rest telling him she's moving all the time) I love it, though I still can't get over how weird it is to be in the middle of teaching and have a little baby kicking at my tummy, under my ribs or rolling onto my bladder.

3) My pregnancy so far has been a relative breeze- minimal nausea first trimester (I was so happy to be pregnant, I welcomed any symptoms anyway), minimal heartburn second trimester...and now, into the third trimester, I am just starting to get a little back pain, frequent bathroom trips (I get up at least twice a night) and much more heartburn... I really need to start bringing TUMS to work with me...overall, though, I have to say I still love being pregnant and wouldn't trade this for the world.

4) Juan Carlos and I have been doing really well lately. We went on a " mini babymoon" getaway this past weekend to Anderson Island and we just hung out and talked and did basically nothing together all weekend and it was so great. I was reminded of how much I love being married to my best friend. It sounds so corny but it's such a blessing to still be able to fill a weekend with things to talk about, when we've been together for 5 years, to still goof off and have fun together, and still make each other laugh. I know 5 is nowhere close to the 27 years my parents will have been married at the end of this month, but still... I love feeling like I know someone so well and yet never get tired of getting to know them at the same time...

5) I'm still on the job hunt. I've applied for two teaching positions, which would definitely be my top choice, since I would be making about the same as I do now (I think) with possibilities for advancement, plus I would work almost half the time and I'd always be teaching, which I really enjoy. There are a couple other positions I need to apply for this week too. I am just hoping and praying the right thing comes along at the right time...

6) I think I am absolutely insane sometimes. I am working full-time at Saint Martin's, teaching 5 hours a week (Tuesday and Thursday nights) at South Puget Sound Community College and now, I have enrolled in a two-week online class, all during month 7 of pregnancy, but somehow God has given me the strength to do this (and a very understanding husband who has been picking up loose ends around the house, etc. since I am almost never home...) I am looking forward to resting/focusing on preparations for the baby more in April...

7) My first baby shower is this weekend and I am SO excited!!!

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