I was surprised and disappointed when I woke up on Tuesday, May 18th, still not in labor. I had acupuncture the day before and was sure that since that seemed to help the baby be conceived that it would help get her out as well, but there I was, still as pregnant as could be.
My mom went with me to the appointment I had that morning to do a non-stress test and start talking about induction. I really wanted to at least TRY to not have pain meds so I didn't want to be induced, because I knew it would probably make it A LOT harder. But I tried to keep an open mind, knowing the most important thing is that the baby arrives safely.
Everything was fine at the test but the midwife suggested scheduling an induction for Friday, May 21st if the baby didn't come by then because of the midwives' schedules, shortages, etc. I agreed. The midwife also "swept my membranes" and gave me a recipe for a "castor oil milkshake" as I fondly refer to it.
That afternoon I went out to lunch with my coworkers, which was really wonderful and then came home and decided that in spite of trying to avoid the "castor oil remedy" all this time, maybe I should give it a whirl. So, two scoops of vanilla ice cream, 4 oz of orange juice and 4 oz of castor oil- It tasted like an oily orange creamsicle milkshake. I know- real appetizing...
Well, a couple hours later I was in deep regret practically glued to the toilet. I was having contractions but couldn't tell if they were "real" or not because I was so uncomfortable in that area in general. I called my mom from the bathroom and described the situation- she suggested that I might be in labor and said she was coming over. I didn't know what to think. Eventually I pulled myself off the toilet and did start to recognize the contractions were quite uncomfortable. Juan Carlos suggested we relax in the living room and watch some TV while we wait for things to take their course.
Side note: I had fully anticipated the average 12 hour first phase of labor and purposely left myself things to do around the house, etc. to distract myself so as to not grow bored and anxious with the whole process...
When we went to the living room I sat on the exercise ball, hoping that would get things going and after a couple bounces, I felt something strange- I stood up and felt something drain- I ran to our entry way since it was hard wood and not carpet and I did not want to get whatever it was on the carpet. Then I realized my water had probably broken. I scurried down the hall to the bathroom and we confirmed that was what happened. It was finally time!
My mom arrived shortly thereafter and I decided to take a shower. I decided I would labor in my room for awhile (we didn't want to go to the hospital too soon) so I put on Enya and my mom lit some candles. Every time I had a contraction I would grab Juan Carlos's hand or give him a hug. My mom started to think they were pretty close together so she started timing them. They were between 3-5 minutes apart but only lasted between 20-45 seconds. Mom started making some phone calls to determine whether we should head to the hospital and by about 6:30 we were on our way. I of course was not totally prepared and was trying to grab a variety of last minute things as JC was pulling me out the door...
As we were walking into the emergency room, I felt my water continue to "break" and remember JC telling me not to worry about it. We walked past a trash can on the way in and I turned around and decided I needed to throw up right then and there. I think some of the castor oil milkshake made it into the garbage, though most ended up on the window behind it, I think. I'm sure JC was disgusted but reassured me it was ok (as he should). My mom pulled up a wheelchair and wheeled me through the hospital to the Family and Birth Center.
When we arrived, they hooked me up to some monitors to see how the baby was doing, etc. Then they wanted to test the "water" to make sure it really was my water that had broken. They said it could be "false labor" All I could think was that the only thing worse than going through this right now would be if they said it was "false labor" and I had to go through it all again tomorrow...
Luckily, they confirmed I was indeed in labor. My mom requested a room with a soaking tub for me and thankfully, one was available and the nurse hooked us up...
The tub helped a ton. When I would have contractions, Juan Carlos would gently splash water on me and it was incredible how much that helped. I was in the tub for about an hour and a half from around 8:00 -9:30pm I think... I could hear the nurse telling my mom that maybe the baby would be born by "tomorrow night" and I tried not to freak out that I would be having contractions like these all night.
I got tired of the tub and decided I needed to go to the bathroom again, so I did that and then I got this very strong urge to push- and to push hard. I thought that was extremely strange because when I had checked in, I was only dilated to 2-3 cm. It seemed really early to be wanting to push.
My contractions were also really strong by this point, though they never seemed to get into a consistent pattern. I didn't think I could do it much longer without medication. I asked my mom to see when I could get some meds. She ran to get the nurse and JC stayed with me. He seemed a little disappointed because he wanted me to do it naturally but I think he could also see I was in a lot of pain.
The nurse said she had to check to see how dilated I was to decide when they could give me something. As she checked, she said, "wow, so you see how things can go." She said some word I didn't understand and told me "the worst was over" I was very confused because the baby's head had not come out- I could not see how the "worst could be over" My mom filled me in that I was dilated to a 9 and the nurse called the doctor. The next 30 minutes were a total whirl. People running around putting clothes and plastic sheets and everything around me.
Juan Carlos and my mom grabbed my legs and the nurse and doctor tried to explain to me the "pushing method" - push, but pull back on your legs, hold your breath, scrunch your chest, but remember to breathe.... it all sounded like a lot of contradiction to me. And it was all happening so fast. I was overwhelmed by the lack of choice I had in what was happening... I just had to go with it.
Pushing was painful but oddly more comfortable than the other contractions in a way. Maybe it's because I knew I was close or it seemed to be productive... I also had real, true "breaks" in between my pushing contractions so that was awesome. I remember everyone telling me what to do but also being really supportive, saying I was doing great and the baby was almost here...
7 contractions and approximately 21 pushes later (Juan Carlos was counting) Baby Danali Eliana finally arrived at about 10:40pm. I had always imagined that when they put her on my chest I would hold her close and cry, but I don't know if I was just in shock from it all going so fast or what happened but I remember them handing me this beautiful, vernix covered baby and me saying "What do I do? What do I do?" I'm sure I lost maternal instinct points in my chart for that response... I was SO overwhelmed with the life that was now, finally with me. And I couldn't believe I had gotten through pregnancy and labor and I couldn't believe she was healthy and alive and beautiful...
My sister, Michelle, had wanted to be there for the birth but it went too fast- she and my dad arrived very shortly after Dani was born.
I am so grateful for such a smooth labor, for the incredible support of my family, especially my mom and Juan Carlos. I know God was with us through the whole thing. We have fallen in love all over again with the newest member of our family. Thank you for all your prayers and support. I depend on that grace tremendously.