Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day and Our Due Date!

Well, Danali apparently didn't get the memo that she was supposed to come out today (go figure!) My sisters came down this past weekend and we thought it would be so perfect if she decided to come then (and tried everything we knew about to make it happen) so they could be there but, alas, it looks like she wants her own special day ; )

I stopped working on Friday officially, though I went in to finish up some loose ends today and now I am so looking forward to preparing a little more - the house (Juan Carlos's cousin is FINALLY moving out!) and emotionally and spiritually of course.

I have tried so hard to be patient during all this time but can't help but think Dani hasn't come yet because she knows I don't feel totally 100% ready... I know being "physically" ready is not the most important, but it can't hurt....

And with all these thoughts of "baby" and when she will make her appearance, I reflect back on Mother's Day one year ago- on the novena my grandmother, aunts and mother prayed with me that we would be blessed with a child, starting on May 1st. Now, a year later, I await the birth of a beautiful, healthy baby girl. How generous God has been with us!

I remember well the tears I shed last mother's day- tears of loss, of self-pity, of desperation. And, though I am so joyful and thankful for our current blessing, I cannot forget the women that continue to wait, that continue to mourn, that continue to long.

Oh Lord, please hear the cries of your daughters who long for children of their own. Place desires on their hearts that match your plan for them. Give them the grace and patience to accept YOUR will, whatever it may be. Thank you for the precious gift of Danali, who we hope to meet so soon and thank you again for the precious gift of our first daughter, Angelica, who lives now with you and watches over us. Help us to always recognize each moment, each day with our children as a gift and not take it for granted.

Mary, mother of God, pray for us. Thank you for your sacrifice, your unconditional love, your example. You were young, you did not feel "ready" you did not know what the future would hold but you opened your life to whatever it was that God would ask of you. May all women find inspiration in your life and your choice.


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