Thursday, August 19, 2010

Being Back and Moving On

Many people say that in going back to work after being on maternity leave, the first few days are the hardest. For me, they were the easiest and only into the second week did I really start to feel the full-time work pull on me as I realized this was going to be the routine from now on. I started missing Dani like crazy and wishing something would come through so I could be with her more.

Well, it didn't take too long for my prayers to be answered. South Puget Sound Community College offered me two sections of a developmental reading class, in addition to the ESL class I was planning to teach. That brings me to 20 credits for fall, which will keep us where we need to be financially. The best part? This new arrangement will get me 3 more hours every day with Danali than I would have otherwise.

It's a little risky because the contracts are quarter to quarter so they can never guarantee anything, but I felt like it was a risk I was being called to. I said a prayer and everything lined up so I think this must be the direction I need to take right now. It's really asking me to trust in God- but ultimately I guess even full-time positions can give us a false sense of security- we never know what is going to happen anyway, even though we like to pretend we do.

So, here I go, with mixed feelings about leaving behind amazing coworkers, students who are close to my heart and a handful of people around campus that I've gotten particularly close to- here I go onto new adventures and to affect new lives in new ways.

Lord, please lead this journey- help me to find you in all the people I meet and ALL the work I do.

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