Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Two months

Ok, so we're a little beyond two months now, but close enough. I give myself permission to be late with everything Dani related, since she took her time coming out. ; )

So, Danali completed two months in the "outside" world on July 18th, also her father's 28th birthday! We had a "little" get together here at the house on Saturday night, which means only 15 people instead of the 50 Juan Carlos probably would have liked to invite.

Then, on Sunday, we went out to dinner with a bunch of family again and then off to Lakefair!! I hadn't been in several years and it was crazy busy but also kind of fun. Juan Carlos and I even went on a couple rides together, which we had never done before.

Highlights from this past month as a new mother include:

Seeing baby Dani smile when she sees us or when we talk to her. She's always smiled in her sleep, but now it feels a bit more sincere.

Less fussing! She was really fussy from about 3-6 weeks I would say but lately, it has gotten WAY better- maybe has to do with "fourth trimester" swaddling, shushing techniques and maybe just a coincidence, but we are loving having a happier little baby.

More sleep! Dani has gone from 2-3 hour stretches to 3-4 hour stretches and last night she slept from 9:30pm until 4:00am!! So exciting!!! I can't believe how rested I feel today.

For me, I have gained much more confidence as a mother- I have had my bad days where I have momentarily left Dani in the car and had to run back for her, but overall, I think I'm getting used to this whole "mom" thing, at least until she changes it on me again.

Life is good and I'm just taking it in until I have to go back to work in two weeks from today. Please keep me in your prayers that something will work out for me to be with Dani as much as possible and still keep a steady income and benefits for our family. I'm not asking to be rich- just enough for stability.

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