Sunday, December 14, 2008

Angelica Grace

Some people have asked what name we've given to our little girl. She went to heaven before we even knew if she was a boy or a girl, so it feels like she has always been our little angel in a way. She was always pure, always innocent- a saint and an angel. My mother's middle name is "Ann" and she was also the baby my mother always knew about- even before I did. Hence, her first name: Ann, after my mother, Angelica for the angel she always was and always will be.

I read a blog entry recently of a Catholic couple who lost their baby at birth. They wrote about how they hoped their child, now in heaven, could intercede through prayer on their behalf. It was a beautiful concept. I guess I've also had that idea though I couldn't express it as well as they did.

We've chosen "Grace" as our daughter's middle name because grace is my prayer for us and, I hope, her prayer for us as well. Grace has been described to me as God's protection and presence with us here on earth, ever since Jesus left earth. Grace is the gift given to us when we participate in the sacraments in the Catholic Church. Grace, both strong and tender, both courage and serenity, the gift God gave us in our little girl and the gift He gives us as we give her up and wait in calm surrender for whatever lies ahead.

So, Angelica Grace, please pray for us- pray that we may grow more Holy as God is Holy- ever closer to sainthood and to being able to meet you in heaven... and that God may grant us the grace we need to see His plan and to follow His will for our lives.

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