Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Well, today I met again with my supervisor and asked about some of the seemingly harsh comments she had made. Thankfully, the conversation was productive and encouraging- it provided me with much needed clarification. In spite of the words she chose, I think her message was not as harsh as it appeared. Here are the highlights:

1) Be happy with "baby steps"- celebrate the small victories- few changes are made overnight- it's a process- be patient

2) Ask questions- you can learn from others- even if they don't have the answers, their perspective can lead you to the answers you're looking for or the wisdom you need in the moment

3) Focus on the issue, not the people- they may be "against" you today but could be your ally tomorrow- positioning yourself to face off against them will only cause you to lose in the end and grief in the process

4) Communicate in person, especially when it comes to complicated issues or delivering bad news or when working with people who are older- there is a lot you could learn from nonverbal communication about the way your news is being received that can allow you to adjust mid-way

So, today was an answered prayer that God would bring me through this challenging time by bringing some clarification and peace. I am hopeful about what I have to improve on and the potential I have to grow. Here we go again...

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