Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Being Married

I love it when God's plans and my plans coincide- granted sometimes the way things finally work out are not the way I always imagined they would, but ultimately, there are certain choices and paths in my life that I would never want any other way.

One of those is being married. I am so at peace being my husband's wife. I really feel that I must be one of the luckiest people in the world to be married to such an incredible man. He is by no means perfect, but I can tell God gave him to me because he is almost always what I need.

Going through what we've gone through in our first year of marriage has not been easy and we have not always gotten along or understood each other perfectly. But, overall, I really believe I am happier being married than I ever was being single. I love going home to Juan Carlos at the end of the day- making dinner together, playing together, cuddling on the couch together. I love watching the way he adds salt to food or brushes his teeth or the way he moves his eyes as he looks for videos of his hometown and boxing matches online.

I love the laughter and the joy in our house, even just the two of us. Many a morning, the alarm has sounded at 6:15am and Juan Carlos has jumped out of bed and started singing. It is hard to have a "bad morning" when it starts off with a song.

He seems lightyears beyond me in his maturity sometimes, always giving me a new perspective and sharing advice. He is so hard working, never wanting to miss even one day of work. Yet, he is also child-like in his love of humor and joy for life. I love how much I laugh when I'm with him.

Sometimes thinking about marriage makes me want children even more, as if to say "See God? That worked out! This will too!" But I think back to some of my "original" plans about who I would marry and how things would go, and I'm so glad God had His way and I didn't have mine! It's hard to trust right now, but at least I have a few examples of times things have worked out to fall back on. And at least right now in the journey, I have an incredible partner to walk with me, to lift me up, and to encourage me to keep going. What an amazing gift!

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