Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Perfect Timing

I feel lighter lately, like some kind of weight has been gradually lifted off my shoulders without me realizing it. I've been amazed and inspired by people on my "virtual" path recently. Somehow, through what would seem to be a not-so-productive habit of reading others' blogs, I found my way to a blog called "my small treasures." The author had posted a writing from a friend of hers who had recently lost a child. The post was moving, but after realizing it was her friend's and not hers, I tried to find out more about the author of the blog I was led to- I saw her picture- a beautiful young woman with two smiling little girls- I immediately thought- yet another "perfect" family where everything went according to plan... reading on I found out differently.

This woman and her husband struggled through infertility for years and lost a baby through a failed adoption before finally adopting two beautiful little girls successfully. She looks back at all the suffering she went through now able to see the blessings and says she wouldn't change a thing. It was so powerful for me to read her story, understand so deeply her pain in wanting children so badly and not being able to have them and I was inspired that she has now arrived at a place where she has found her vocation and feels content.

Some of my struggle lately has been fighting God's timing. My little girl should have been born at the end of this month- I was given two different due dates- March 31st and April 1st and of course, it's anyone's guess anyway, but needless to say, I have been thinking lately about what it would be like to be in my last four weeks of pregnancy, with a big, healthy belly, feeling my little girl move and kick inside me and I regret that I never had that experience with Angelica, but even more I have been resenting God for "putting it off" for me in general. As I face my 25th birthday at the end of the month, I think of how much I wanted to be a mother by now.

I don't have a reason to believe I will never be a mother, whether through natural birth or adoption but I've been struggling with the fact that it's "not yet" especially being around so many friends and family members who are younger and very "fruitful" Maybe my struggle has a little to do with being the oldest sister of three and oldest cousin of 17, where I'm used to being the first to do things or the fact that I had already put "baby" into my plans, created a maternity plan, started making all the arrangements or maybe it's because I want there to be something "next" and this seems like the perfect "next step" for us. I really don't know why it's such a struggle for me, but every month that goes by and I still find myself not pregnant, I have found myself frustrated by God's timing.... until now.

I really feel like I'm starting to come to peace with letting go of my plans and giving it to God, and doing so, knowing that most likely some things about the due date won't be "ideal" but bringing a new life into the world is something that you make room for and so it doesn't have to fit perfectly with vacation time and work plans. Rather, the baby becomes the priority, so regardless of whether we own a home by then, where I'm working or where we live, if God decides it's time, it's time and we will thank Him and make room in our lives for this precious gift. I may never be able to look back and understand why January and not December or why May and not March, but I don't have to. God doesn't call us to understand- He just calls us to love and to follow His will.

So, finally, Lord, here I am, in all my brokenness, all my joy, all my hurt, all my love, all my past and all my future. Take me and use me for Your plans, Your will, in Your time. Meanwhile, I will try to be the best person I can today, and step by step I'll trust that you're leading me, as you've led so many of the strong, beautiful, loving women I've had the privilege to read about lately. Thank you for the faith and hope only You can give.


The Mallahan Family said...

Janelle - I have been reading your blog and have been praying for you as I read about your struggles these past few months. Your beauty and passion and openess really comes through. Thank your for sharing so much and so deeply.

Your baby is blessed to have you as her mother and for you to have carried her in such an intimate way - for even those short few months. And how amazing that you have your own little saint praying for, your husband, and all of your future little ones. May you all be united someday in heaven!

love, Cheri

La Familia Garcia said...

Cheri- Thank you so much for your note- it really touched both Juan Carlos and I. Thank you for your prayers. We need them!