Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

March 27th, 2010

"The greatest thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother."

I remember this quote being in a little frame growing up and not really understanding it. As a child, I thought there were probably a lot of things my father could do for me more directly than just loving my mom. I only now have begun to realize what an incredibly amazing gift it is to have parents who love and respect each other. They don't make me choose sides. My mom is happy when I do something loving for my father and my father is happy when I do something loving for my mother. There is no jealousy or competition or silly games between them. I never blamed myself for their not getting along because in my 26 years of life I have never even seen them fight...

On the contrary, I have seen ways that my mom has served my father and our family by making healthy homemade meals and keeping our home clean and making so many opportunities possible in our lives. And I've seen ways my father, too, has loved my mother and our family by working hard, always trying to make our quality of life better, and supporting us in countless different ways.

Through their example, I am able to have a better marriage because they have shown me that sometimes you do things because you love someone, not because they sound fun- that sometimes it's better to let the small things go. They have shown me what it means to be responsible and loving, to express what I need and give all I can.

What an incredible gift their marriage has been to me and to all who know them. I remember someone saying once that the idea behind marriage is that you're better as a couple than you would be as individuals. My parents are incredible people as individuals but what they've accomplished and given to those around them as a couple is admirable and inspiring.

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