Thursday, April 22, 2010


Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are imperfect and make mistakes. Sometimes we need to be reminded that people love us anyway. And sometimes we need to be reminded that it's important to be compassionate because generally people don't do things "wrong" intentionally.

I found a mistake that I made on a date/cost sheet at work yesterday. As soon as I found it, I told the people who needed to know, apologized and offered some solutions. (Lesson in humility)

I felt awful, but as soon as I came home, Juan Carlos gave me a big hug. No words were needed - that was enough to give me the strength to keep going... (people love us anyway)

This morning, after I got to work, I sat down to read my email and saw my supervisor had responded by saying that it was my fault and only my fault and pointing out another mistake she thought I had recently made.

This morning, before I went to work, I saw that my brother in law had left the milk out on the counter all night- I was upset and thought about saying something- then I thought of my mistake and I thought he probably didn't do it on purpose, so I just put the milk back in the refrigerator.

(we need to be compassionate)

My prayer is this:

May I never cease to make mistakes and to be humbled by them so as to avoid becoming too proud.

May I always accept responsibility when I do make mistakes and try to make the best ammends possible.

May I always be compassionate and kind to others when they make mistakes or don't behave the way I wish they would, knowing that I, too, make mistakes and don't always behave the way others wish.

May I be the first person to validate someone who has made a mistake and to remind them they are loved in spite of it.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

Hey Janelle,
I just wanted to tell you that I read your blog and I find it to be incredibly thoughtful and well-written. This post in particular really helped me understand some things I'd been thinking about better! So, thanks :)
