Thursday, October 22, 2009

First Ultrasound

This week has been incredible. Monday morning my mom accompanied me to a second doctor's appointment, where we were able to hear the heartbeat. It was amazing! I was so thrilled. I didn't quite cry but I definitely got teary. I felt so relieved to know the baby was alive and well in there.

Yesterday, Juan Carlos and I had our first ultrasound with this pregnancy. I was really having a hard time waiting for the appointment, since I accidentally totally overloaded my bladder and we had to get there early and they called us in about 20 minutes late. I just kept breathing and telling myself- this is nothing compared to childbirth- you can do this...

When I laid down, the technician said my bladder was too full to even get a good picture- she could tell I was bursting and apologized that we had to wait so long- then she asked me to do what I thought would be impossible and empty my bladder... but not all the way... I did my best and felt so much better afterwards, so I could enjoy the ultrasound much more.

We were both nervous since the ultrasound with the first baby was when we found out about complications, but she told us everything looks great for what they can tell at 11 weeks. I am planning to call tomorrow just to make sure that's still the story, but we both feel relieved. The baby was quite squirmy and it was fun to see her moving around in there. I am so excited to be able to start feeling the baby kick.

Another fun tradition we've started with this baby is that the name changes every week according to the size of the baby that particular week- I started by referring to the baby as "blueberry" when he was just the size of a blueberry and it stuck for awhile, but then I showed Juan Carlos the baby had grown to the size of a fig, so when I referred to the baby as blueberry yesterday, JC corrected me and said, "No she's a fig now" He calls me during the day and asks, "how are you and "fig"?"

This weekend we are celebrating our two-year anniversary (Oct. 27th) with Juan Carlos's family and we're planning to let them in on the big news then- it will be fun to have pictures too! Most of my family already knows.

Thank you so much all of you that have been praying for us. I promise I will never take this incredibly blessing for granted- I know we are already so lucky and so blessed to have been given two children. Selfishly, I continue to pray that this baby will grow healthy and strong and stick around for a long time, while continuing to thank God for every day He's already given me with our children. Your continued prayers and support are still much needed and appreciated. Thank you again! God Bless!

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Yey! I'm so happy for you three!