Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Generous Mother

I really am constantly blown away by the generosity of my parents, but especially of my mom. I really don't think she is capable of hearing about a person in need and not doing anything. She has such an amazingly huge heart and is always doing things for other people.

I grew up not always sure if I was going to get to soccer practice on time because if someone was stopped on the side of the freeway, my mom would stop and make sure they were ok and ask if they needed help. In my younger years, this was embarassing more often than not but I've come to appreciate the sincere concern behind this habit my mom had.

My mom has ALWAYS been a volunteer- through school and through church and sometimes through my dad's soccer club, I cannot even count how many projects have been on our kitchen table and kitchen counter that she has done just because it needed done without any monetary reward and usually with little to no recognition. She is the angel behind many conferences, retreats, lunches, dinners, school events, theater productions, sports fundraisers, and innumerable other things.

When my mom goes shopping, she usually spends more than my father would like, but it's almost never on herself. She hears that Juan Carlos's mom wants a new winter coat and goes out and buys one for her. She hears that some kids at school need shinguards and she goes to get them some. And then of course, she's always thinking of my sisters and I in her purchases- at least half my wardrobe is things she has picked up for me, just because...

I've always been fascinated by how my mom interacts with different kinds of people- she can be in a room with the president of a university, a millionaire, a drug addict, a little girl in a wheelchair with cerebral palsey, a monk from India, and a homeless man and she treats them all exactly the same. Sometimes I've questioned whether she's actually blind, because she really seems to see past people's outsides and into their hearts.

She has been a second mom and confidant to countless young people (and sometimes older people) who need her. For some reason, she invites people to share more with her than they might with other adults. She never hides how she feels or changes to try to be "cool" to fit in but she listens and she understands and she gives good, solid, honest, moral advice. I really think young people crave that in a world where truth seems to be hidden amidst so many lies...

I could go on forever, but I just wanted to take a moment (or a couple) to recognize how incredibly blessed I am to have such an incredible woman as my mother. I really feel there isn't anything she wouldn't do for me. I can call her at any time any day- at 25, just like when I was 3. I cherish her and our relationship and am eternally indebted and grateful for everything she's done for me. I only hope someday I can be half as generous as my mom has been. Her example constantly inspires me to give more.

I love you, Mom. You are truly amazing- I can't even put into words how much I admire you. Thank you for being who you are- who God has called you to be- day in and day out. I know it's not easy- the more I grow up, the more I appreciate you and wonder how you did it. I'm so happy we live close and you can be such a big part of my life. I will always thank God for giving me to you and you to me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sweet Janelle-y -- you give me more credit than I deserve. I "give" only because I have what needs to be "given" and it brings me joy. (Must be the Holy Spirit, huh?) Thank you for the encouraging words (one of YOUR gifts from the Holy Spirit, you know!)
I love you all the way to heaven and back, MomWom